
Sunday, March 10, 2013

NIGHT WALK now on GoodKindles

Night Walk
I'm branching out my advertising process for my paranormal thriller novel Night Walk. Today I posted an ad on It was really easy to do. The entire process was automated and my ad was live in a few hours. The prices are very affordable as well. You have to pay with Paypal, but hopefully you already have an account.

I also did a link share (which required a separate email), so I have an entry on the GoodKindles AUTHOR WEBSITE LIST

Now I get to wait and see how many sales come pouring in. Hopefully millions.


  1. Cool! What a perfect place to put an ad since you have an E-book. I hope it brings you lots of traffic and buyers! Let me know how it goes!

  2. Sounds like a great idea! Good luck. Thanks for visiting my blog today. :D

  3. Thanks Lisa! And you are welcome. It's not everyday I see the stock flames background photo on a Blogger blog. You are a smart woman indeed. ;-)

  4. Hi David, was GoodKindles at all effective in generating sales? I'm considering it myself but it doesn't look like it receives much traffic (despite what their website says)...

  5. Adrian- No, GoodKindles generated no sales. Unfortunately, I don't even know how much traffic it pushed to the Amazon page for Night Walk.
